Congratulations on your purchase of the Tantra Total Woman HUD. This HUD is one of the most advanced Pregnancy HUDs in SL today. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the features in this HUD.
If you have just upgraded from an older version of the Tantra Total Woman HUD, you may want to check out the new features first.
Quick Start
First of all, don’t panic. Although this manual is long, the HUD is actually quite easy to use. Most of this manual provides details on the various options for your new HUD, but the following steps are listed to help you get set up quickly.
- Wear your HUD. The HUD can be worn on any HUD attachment point, but it works best on one of the Top HUD attachment points.
- Select your Desire setting (Optional). Your HUD ships with a setting of Desire Neutral. You can change this setting in the pop up menu, under the Cycle Settings tab.
- Select your Cycle Length setting (Optional). Your HUD ships with 28 day cycle already set. If you want a 7 or 14 day cycle, you can change this setting in the pop up menu, under the Cycle Settings tab.
- Select your Cycle Variability setting (Optional). Your HUD ships with a 2 day cycle variability already set. You can change this setting in the pop up menu, under the Cycle Settings tab.
- Select your Avatar Age setting (Optional). Your HUD ships with your age set to 25 and Under. You can change this setting in the pop up menu, under the Cycle Settings tab.
- Any changes to the settings you made to the options above (except for the Desire setting) will only take effect at the start of a new cycle. To start a new cycle, select the Start New Cycle… button on the Cycle Settings tab.
- Rename your HUD (Optional). You may rename your HUD if desire. You will not be able to rename it in your inventory, but if you drag it to the ground from your inventory, you can right click it and select edit. The name is in the General tab. Once you are done, pick it up and wear it again.
Using the HUD
Other than the initial setup of your HUD, all you have to do to use the HUD is wear it. The HUD detects when your partner has an orgasm when he is wearing one of the following brands of cocks:
- Aeros (Version 6.0 and greater)
- Midnight Lotus
- The Physics Cock (Version 2.2 and greater)
- Sensations
- Signature (Version 1.2 and greater)
- Xcite!
When an orgasm is detected, the HUD will determine if your partner was close enough during orgasm to possibly impregnate you. If your partner was close enough, the HUD will ask you about the type of orgasm. The possible responses are discussed below:
- Came Inside. If your partner had his orgasm during coitus, you should select this option. This option is the greatest chance of causing pregnancy, however, the actual odds depend on the timing of your cycle and the use of birth control.
- Pulled Out. If your partner pulled out in time, you should select this option. If your partner began his orgasm while still inside, you should select the Came Inside option instead. Surprisingly, the pull out method is actually quite effective if, and it’s a big if, your partner successfully pulls out in time. The actual odds of pregnancy used by the HUD depends on the timing of your cycle and the use of other birth control methods.
- Oral. If your partner has his orgasm during oral sex, you should select this option. This option will not cause the HUD to determine pregnancy, but this option may be used by other third party Tantra compatible objects.
- Anal. If your partner has his orgasm during anal sex, you should select this option. This option will not cause the HUD to determine pregnancy, but this option may be used by other third party Tantra compatible objects.
- Female Orgasm. If your partner at the time of orgasm is female, you should select this option. The HUD will ignore the orgasm and will not determine pregnancy. If you want a female to impregnate you, ignore this button and use one of the other ones. It’s Second Life and anything is possible! We won’t tell.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This HUD will only trigger on the default Xcite! orgasm message. If your partner has customized their orgasm message, or if they use another brand that is not supported, the HUD will not detect the orgasm automatically. However, there is a Manual Orgasm button available on the pop up menu’s Main tab that will allow you to manually begin the process. If you use the Manual Orgasm button, the HUD will ask you to select who had the orgasm before asking the orgasm type.
Main Menu
The Main menu puts the most common day to day controls at the forefront. From the Main menu, you can trigger a manual orgasm, temporarily override your cycle, and handle your birth control options.
Manual Orgasm Although the Tantra Total Woman HUD automatically detects orgasms from the major genital makers in SecondLife, there may be times where you are with someone that does not have compatible genitals. The Manual Orgasm button allows you to inform your HUD that your partner has had an orgasm. It will provide a menu of people who are nearby for you to select the correct person.
Override Cycle There can be times where your schedule doesn’t allow you to be with your partner during your fertile time. The Override Cycle button allows you to temporarily set your HUD to your ovulation day. Any pregnancy that happens during the override will carry over into your normal cycle. The override ends after you log off, or remove the HUD.
Main Menu – Condom Commands
Your Tantra Total Woman HUD comes with several Tantra Condom HUDs. These can be given out to anyone you want. For it to work, your partner must wear the Tantra Condom HUD or the Tantra Gold Condom HUD during sex and the condom must be worn.
The condom is not foolproof and can break. It can break either at the time it is put on, or sometime during sex. If the condom breaks when it is put in you will see an emote that tells you the condom breaks. However, if the condom breaks during sex, you will not receive the emote until after the orgasm occurs and it is too late to prevent a possible pregnancy.
In addition, even if the condom doesn’t break, there is still a remote possibility that you can become pregnant. This is based on real life odds.
The condoms are single use and cannot be used again once removed. However, if your partner has multiple orgasms without removing the condom and replacing it with a fresh condom, the odds of the condom breaking increases substantially.
Replacement condoms are free, but are only available by visiting the Tantra Flagship Store.
Condom On… This button allows you to select a nearby Tantra Condom HUD wearer to put on his condom.
Condom Off… You can also remove your partner’s condom, using this button. You will be provided a menu to select which partner you would like to remove the condom from. This button is grayed out if no one is wearing a condom nearby.
Sabotage Condom… You have the ability to sabotage the condom without your partner knowing. Using this button will present you a menu of nearby Tantra Condom HUD wearers to select the condom to sabotage. This button is grayed out if no one is wearing a condom nearby.
Main Menu – Diaphragm Command
One of the birth control options built into the Tantra Total Woman HUD is the diaphragm.
You can only wear the diaphragm for 12 real life hours, before the diaphragm will auto-remove. However, after sex, you will need to wear it for 6 real life hours or there can be an increased chance that you become pregnant, with significantly higher odds right after sex. The additional odds of pregnancy decrease the longer you leave the diaphragm in.
Note: If you are in the 6 hour window, the diaphragm will wait until after that period has completed before auto-removing after 12 hours.
Diaphragm The Diaphragm switch is used to put in or take out your diaphragm. If your partner is wearing a Tantra Gold Condom HUD, he can also remove your diaphragm.
You cannot wear a diaphragm during your period and the button will be grayed out.
Your HUD has an indicator light for the diaphragm status. The indicator light has the following colors:
- Red. Indicates that you are not wearing a diaphragm.
- Green. Indicates that you are wearing a diaphragm.
- Yellow. Indicates that you are wearing a diaphragm, but it is within 6 hours of sex.
Main Menu – Birth Control Pills Commands
The second of the birth control options built into the Tantra Total Woman HUD are birth control pills. The birth control pill is very effective at preventing pregnancy. But while on the pill, you will have to be diligent about taking your pills each cycle day that you log in for them to be effective.
Birth Control Pills The Birth Control switch is used to go on or go off the pill. If you are on the pill, then on days you do not log into Second Life, the HUD will assume that you took your pill for that day. If this switch is off, then it will assume you did not take your pill for that day.
Take Pill / Toss Pill These two buttons allow you to take or toss your pill for the cycle day. Taking and tossing the pill is discussed in more detail below.
Sabotage Pill This button allows you to sabotage this cycle’s pill pack. Once it is sabotaged, the effectiveness of the pill will decrease every day. If you are using the optional Tantra Pill Package, it is possible for others to sabotage your pills if you leave the pill package unattended.
Your HUD has an indicator light for the pill status. The indicator light has the following colors:
- Green. Indicates that you are on the pill and it is currently very effective (greater than 90%).
- Yellow. Indicates that you are on the pill, but it is not completely effective (75% to 90%).
- Red. Indicates that you are either not on the pill, or if you are, that the pill is less than 75% effective.
Once you have started the pill, it is very important that each cycle day that you log into Second Life, you actually take your pill. In addition to taking the pill, you have the menu option of Toss Pill. This means that you chose to intentionally not take your pill for that cycle day and the effectiveness of the pill is reduced. The optional Tantra Pill Package will remove the pill from the package for each taken or tossed pill.
Once you have made the decision of taking or tossing the pill, you will not be able to change your mind for that cycle day. The Birth Control menu will show when your pill is due by, or when it is time to take your next pill if you have taken/tossed the current day’s pill.
When actively on the pill, any cycle days that you do not log into Second Life, the HUD will assume that you took your pill for that day. However, if you turn the Birth Control switch to off, at that point you are no longer actively on the pill and any cycle day you do not log into Second Life, the HUD will assume you did NOT take your pill.
If you log into Second Life, even for a minute, without taking your pill, unless you come back online before the cycle day ends and take your pill, the HUD will assume you didn’t take the pill for that cycle day. If you log into Second Life five minutes before the start of a new cycle day, the HUD will give you the benefit of the doubt and automatically assume you took that cycle day’s pill. But once the cycle day rolls into a new one, you will be responsible for taking the pill once again.
Missed pills will greatly reduce the effectiveness at preventing pregnancy. If you miss one pill early in your cycle, you should be able to make it up before you are fertile. However, missing two pills in the first week, or one pill in the second week, you should use alternative forms of birth control.
Your Tantra comes already with three cycles of birth control pills. Each cycle you use the pill, you will use one of your packages of pills. If you run out, you will no longer be able to take your pills. However, you can get additional pill packages at the Tantra Flagship Store at no cost.
Note: This is separate from the Tantra Pill Package. The Tantra Pill Package is an optional in-world mesh pill package, that shows which pills you have taken/tossed and has additional role play features such as sabotaging the pill.
Cycle Menu
The HUD works on a 28 day cycle. At the beginning of each cycle, it calculates an expected ovulation date and an expected period date. The expected ovulation date is set on the 14th day and the expected period date is set on the 28th day. The actual dates are calculated based on the expected dates, adjusted for cycle variability (discussed below in more detail).
Desire This setting changes the odds of pregnancy and the types of emotes that the HUD generates. For the Desire Pregnancy setting, the odds of getting pregnant are slightly higher than the Desire Risk. The Desire Risk and Desire Neutral settings mirrors real life odds. The Desire Neutral uses real life odds, but the emotes are different from Desire Risk.
Cycle Length Your cycle can be set for either 28, 14 or 7 day cycles. When you change this setting, it will take effect during your next cycle, unless you reset your cycle using the Start New Cycle… button.
When using the 14 or 7 day cycle option, the cycle days
Cycle Variability This setting controls how much your cycle varies. This can be adjusted from 0 to 3. With a variability of 0, your expected dates and actual dates are the same. With a variability of 3, your actual dates for ovulation and periods can be +/- 3 days from the expected dates. You will not know exactly when you are ovulating or when your period will actually happen. The HUD Indicator lights for your cycle status take into account your variability setting and will show the entire period where you may be fertile and will not report you overdue for your period until after the last possible day of your period.
Avatar Age This setting is used to tweak your fertility. Younger ages are much more likely to conceive than older ages, but if you are older, you are are more likely to have twins when you do conceive. This setting works in conjunction with the Desire setting to determine overall odds of pregnancy. Setting your HUD to Desire Pregnancy and to 25 and Under will have the greatest odds of pregnancy.
There is a progress bar that indicate your cycle status. The progress bar will slowly fill in as you move through your cycle. You are fertile during the yellow and red zones in the middle of your cycle. The different cycle stages are detailed below.
Stage 1: The purple bar represents the time of your period.
Stage 2: The first green bar represents the time from the end of your period until the start of your fertile time.
Stage 3: The first yellow bar represents the start of your fertile time. During the yellow stage, you are potentially fertile. Fertility increases each day during the yellow stage.
Stage 4: The first red bar represents your most fertile time of the month. Ovulation will occur sometime during the red stage. However, after ovulation occurs, you will no longer be fertile, even though you are still in the red stage.
Stage 5: The second green bar represents the non fertile time after your fertile time and before your period is expected to start.
Stage 6: The second yellow bar represents the time your period is expected to start. During this stage, your period can occur on any day and can extend into the Late section, even if you are not pregnant. Once your period starts, the cycle bar will return to just showing the purple bar.
Stage 7: The second red bar represents that you are officially late and are most likely pregnant.
Restrictions Menu – Restriction Options
The Tantra Total Woman HUD has several restrictions that can increase the realism of your Tantra experience. Each of these restrictions can be turned on by you or anybody that you have added as a master/mistress of your HUD. Master/mistresses can only change them if they have the Tantra Gold Condom HUD.
If you turn on one of the restrictions while RLV is enabled on your viewer, you will not be able to turn that restriction off until you log in with RLV disabled.
RLV Lock This option prevents you from removing your Tantra Total Woman HUD. This is a RLV setting, so if you are not using a RLV enabled viewer, or you have RLV turned off in your viewer, you can remove the HUD. However, the next time you wear the Tantra Total Woman HUD with RLV enabled, the lock will return.
Blind Cycle This option turns off, “grey out”, the cycle bar on the Tantra Total Woman HUD. This means, that you will only get a notification when your period begins and you will have to keep track of where you are in your cycle mentally. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.
Realistic Paternity Tests This option forces you to only use realistic paternity tests. This means that if you becomes pregnant, you can only take the paternity test with the potential father present and the test will only gives a yes/no answer. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.
Realistic Birth Control Pills This option forces you to only be able to take their birth control pills using the Tantra Pill Package rezzed in world and prevents you from taking your birth control pills via your HUD, or the Tantra Pill Package worn as a HUD. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.
Redirect Orgasm Type Menu This option automatically gives your partner the Orgasm Type menu each time it detects an orgasm and removes your control over it. This restriction works regardless of RLV status. Note that even with this option turned off, anybody added to your HUD as a Master/Mistress will still always receive the Orgasm Type menus when you are with them.
Restrictions Menu – Adding & Removing Masters Commands
You can add up to three master/mistresses to your HUD. The Orgasm Type menu will be automatically redirected to anybody you add to the HUD for their orgasms with you. In addition, they can use the Tantra Gold Condom HUD to add restrictions to your Tantra Total Woman HUD.
Add Master This button will give you a menu of people nearby that can be added as a master/mistress to your HUD.
List Masters This will list in local chat your current master/mistresses. If this button is grayed out, then you do not have anybody currently designated as a master/mistress.
Delete Master This button will give you a menu of people currently set up as a master/mistress on your HUD.
If you have RLV enabled in your viewer, or if you do not have anybody designated as a master/mistress, this button will be grayed out.
You will not be able to remove a master/mistress until you log in with RLV turned off.
Settings Menu – Broadcast Beacon Option
Broadcast Beacon This setting determines if your HUD broadcasts to other users that you are currently wearing a Tantra Total Woman HUD.
People wearing the Tantra Gold Condom HUD, can detect this beacon. It does not specifically identify you, but only informs them that a Tantra Total Woman HUD user is nearby.
However, it does give them an approximate range to the nearest Tantra Total Woman HUD user.
Settings Menu – Auto Pregnancy Shape Options
If you are using an RLV compatible viewer, you can set your HUD up to switch between your pregnancy shapes automatically throughout your pregnancy.
To use this feature, you must have RLV enabled, and have your own set of pregnancy shapes copied into the #RLV folder. For information on setting up RLV and your pregnancy shapes, see the “How do I set up Restrained Love (RLV)?” FAQ.
Once everything is set up, when you become pregnant, starting after your missed period, the Tantra Total Woman HUD will automatically switch your shapes through out your pregnancy. If you change your due date, the HUD will recalculate which shape you should be wearing. In certain role playing circumstances, you may want to revert to a normal shape. You may switch to a non pregnant shape at any time, however, if you relog or take off and put back on the HUD, the HUD will put your pregnant shape back on.
Auto Pregnancy Shapes This switch toggles the Auto Pregnancy Shape feature on and off.
Number of Shapes Using the buttons provided, adjust the number of shapes to match the number of shapes you have, not including your default regular shape. You should set the number of shapes, even if you are not using the Auto Pregnancy Shapes. The HUD will emote the shape number you should be wearing when you log in.
Set Due Date Your HUD assumes a pregnancy of 30 days. Using the Set Due Date button allows you to change your actual due date.
You do not need to do this every month, but should only do it once after the start of each pregnancy. However, if your due date changes, you can do it as often as you need in order to keep your HUD synced with your due date.
Settings Menu – Emote Privacy Options
You have the option to turn off the non-system emotes.
Public Anyone nearby can hear the emotes, except for system related ones.
Private Only you can hear the emotes.
Mute No one can hear the emotes.
Note: If you are set to Mute, some emotes will still occur for critical events, such as a broken condom. However, it will be a private emote.
Emotes relating to adding or removing a master/mistress, cannot be muted. The person you add or remove will always get an instant message informing them of your decision.
Settings Menu – Language and Theme Options
Currently the Tantra Total Woman HUD only supports the English language. In future versions, more languages will be supported. If you are interested in helping with translations, please contact Tex Evans.
Currently the Tantra Total Woman HUD has only one theme built in. In future versions, more themes will be added.
Change Language This setting is used to change the language used by the Tantra Total Woman HUD for menus and emotes. For some Tantra accessory products, such as the Tantra Home Pregnancy Test, this setting will also control the language used by that product automatically.
Change Theme This setting is used to change the graphical theme of the Tantra Total Woman HUD.
Settings Menu – Update Section
Your Tantra includes free upgrades as new versions become available. Most Tantra products are set to automatically send you the latest version. However, since the Tantra Total Woman HUD is a no-copy item, you will have to manually upgrade the HUD when new versions are available.
Check for Update You can check to see if there is a newer Tantra Total Woman HUD version by visiting the Tantra Flagship Store.
If there is a newer version, an upgrade package will be sent to you.
HUD Indicator Lights – Pill
As discussed above in the Main Menu section, your HUD displays the current status of your birth control pills. The indicator light can be one of the following three colors.
- Green. Indicates that you are on the pill and it is currently very effective (greater than 90%).
- Yellow. Indicates that you are on the pill, but it is not completely effective (75% to 90%).
- Red. Indicates that you are either not on the pill, or if you are, that the pill is less than 75% effective.
HUD Indicator Lights – Diaphragm
As discussed above in the Main Menu section, your HUD displays the current status of your diaphragm. The indicator light can be one of the following three colors.
- Red. Indicates that you are not wearing a diaphragm.
- Green. Indicates that you are wearing a diaphragm.
- Yellow. Indicates that you are wearing a diaphragm, but it is within 6 hours of sex.
HUD Indicator Lights – Fertility Drug
The Tantra Fertility Drug boosts your fertility and the odds of having twins. The effects of taking the fertility drug, or having someone administer it to you, lasts for the entire cycle.
During cycles where you are using the fertility drug, the indicator light on your Tantra Total Woman HUD will be red.
The Tantra Fertility Drug replaces the Tantra Chemical Ovulation Drug, but still has the option of using the chemical ovulation drug. The Chemical Ovulation Drug only lasts a single SecondLife session and only temporarily sets your Tantra Total Woman HUD to ovulation day, with no additional increase in the odds of pregnancy over the normal ovulation day odds.
HUD Indicator Lights – Active Semen
The Active Semen indicator light is based on sperm viability. In real life, semen can live inside you for up to 6 days, while your egg only lasts around 24 hours. You can only get pregnant if there are still live sperm inside you on the day you ovulate.
The indicator light is a visual reminder of how recently you have had sex. Immediately after your partner has his orgasm, the light will turn red. It will remain red for two cycle days, then turn yellow for the remaining four days of sperm viability.
In essence, this is the reverse of your cycle progress bar. The yellow and red fertile zones are an indication of how likely sex during that phase of the cycle will have active semen inside of you during your ovulation.
An easy way to remember this is “Red on Red”, meaning a red Active Semen light during the red fertile phase on your cycle bar, means you have a good chance of becoming pregnant.
Note: For purposes of the Active Semen indicator light, if your partner pulls out, or uses a condom that didn’t break, it will not trigger the Active Semen indicator light. But there is still a chance you might get pregnant.
Tantra Home Pregnancy Test
Your HUD comes with a Tantra Home Pregnancy Test accessory. To take the pregnancy test, just rez a copy of the test from your inventory. Once it has rezzed, touch the test and it will begin. You must be wearing your HUD during the test for it to work.
The test is not completely accurate until at least 5 days past your actual ovulation date. It doesn’t report false positives, so if it tells you that you are pregnant, it is correct. But it can report a false negative. Beginning with the day after ovulation, the odds of an accurate result increase each day.
Tantra Paternity Test
The Tantra Paternity Test is available as a separate product.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are two Tantra groups for you to join. Tantra Support is for general support questions. Some people do not like to receive frequent IM spam, so you can also join Tantra Announcements. Tantra Announcements should not be used for support questions. This group is used by Tantra employees to announce upgrades and special programs to our customers.
If you have any questions, you can contact either Tex Evans, or one of the support staff listed in my profile, online or via email at