Tantra Gold Condom HUD 6.0 Manual

Congratulations on your purchase of the Tantra Gold Condom HUD. This HUD is designed to work with the Tantra Total Woman HUD and is very simple to use. The Gold version builds upon the simple Condom HUD included with the Tantra Total Woman HUD and adds some additional features that will enhance your role play.

Overview of the Tantra Gold Condom HUD

To use the HUD, you just wear it as a HUD attachment. You can wear it in any of the HUD attachment points and it will automatically adjust for that HUD location. You can fine tune the position on your screen using the standard SL prim editing commands.

The Tantra Gold Condom HUD consists of two buttons, a beacon scanner icon, and indicators for the condom being worn and if the condom has been sabotaged. The indicators are green for yes, and red for no.

The Arrow icon minimizes and maximizes the HUD. The Lines icon shows and hides the menus. The menus and the beacon scanner are discussed in the following sections.

The Tantra Gold Condom HUD 6.00 works with the Tantra Total Woman HUD 3.00 and higher. TODO VERIFY VERSIONS SUPPORTED

Main Menu – Condom Commands

Your HUD comes preloaded with six unused condoms. You can get additional condom refills at no cost at the Tantra Flagship Store.

The condom is designed with realism in mind. The condom can potentially break when it is put on, so if you only have one left and it breaks, you will have the dilemma of deciding to take a chance or interrupting them moment to go to the Tantra Flagship Store. If it breaks as you put it on, you will know beforehand that it did. It can also break during sex. If this happens, you won’t know it until after you are done. The odds for breakage follow real life odds.

The condoms are designed to be used only one time. If you do not take it off and replace with a fresh one between intercourse, the odds of it breaking during sex increases substantially.

In addition, even if the condom does not break, the effectiveness is not 100%. Again, this mirrors real life odds.

The condom commands are grouped on the Main menu and are summarized below.

Number of Condoms Remaining Shows the number of unused condoms remaining. The condom bowl at the Tantra Flagship Store has free condoms. Use the Refill Condom command to get more condoms for your Tantra Gold Condom. The Get Condoms command gives you the regular single use condom HUDs.

Put Condom On / Take Condom Off This button toggles wearing a condom. If you are out of condoms, the button will be grayed out.

Starting with the Tantra Total Woman HUD 5.00, while you are wearing the Tantra Gold Condom HUD, your partner can also put on or remove the condom.

Sabotage Condom This button allows you to sabotage your condom without your partner knowing that you have done so.If you are not wearing a condom at the time, and you have condoms, the HUD will automatically put one on. If you do not have condoms, or you have already sabotaged the condom, the button will be grayed out.

The only way to turn the sabotage off is to remove the condom and put on a fresh one.

Your partner can also sabotage the condom without you, or other nearby Tantra Total Woman HUD users, knowing.

Main Menu – Other Commands

With the Tantra Gold Condom HUD, you also have the option to remove your partner’s diaphragm if she is wearing one. Unlike sabotaging a condom, your partner will know that you have done this, both via an emote, and also on her Tantra Total Woman HUD indicator lights.

Starting with the Tantra Total Woman HUD 5.0, the diaphragm must be worn for six real life hours after sex in order for it to be fully effective. The longer the diaphragm is worn after sex, the more effective it will be. Your ability to remove her diaphragm at any time opens up role play possibilities.

Also, if your partner has added you as a Master/Mistress to her Tantra Total Woman HUD, you can view and change her restrictions that increase the realism of the Tantra experience.

Remove Diaphragm… This button allows you to remove your partner’s diaphragm. If a Tantra Total Woman HUD user is wearing a diaphragm nearby, you will be given a menu to select the correct person.

Target Sub… This button allows you to select the submissive that you want to review and/or change the restrictions that you have set.

Once targeted, you can use the Restrictions tab, to review and change their restrictions. The restrictions are discussed in the Restrictions Menu section below.

Starting with the Tantra Total Woman HUD 5.0, the diaphragm must be worn for six real life hours after sex in order for it to be fully effective. The longer the diaphragm is worn after sex, the more effective it will be.

Orgasm Type Menu

The Orgasm Type menu is a traditional SL dialog menu. When an orgasm is detected, the Tantra Total Woman HUD asks her about the type of orgasm. However, if you have been added as a Master/Mistress to her HUD, this menu will be redirected to you for your orgasms. This happens even if you are not wearing the Tantra Gold Condom HUD.

The possible responses are discussed below:

  • Came Inside. If your orgasm was during coitus, you should select this option. This option is the greatest chance of causing pregnancy, however, the actual odds depend on the timing of her cycle and the use of birth control.
  • Pulled Out. If your orgasm was during coitus and you pulled out in time, you should select this option. If you began your orgasm while still inside, you should select the Came Inside option instead. Surprisingly, the pull out method is actually quite effective if, and it’s a big if, you successfully pull out in time. The actual odds of pregnancy used by the HUD depends on the timing of her cycle and the use of other birth control methods.
  • Oral. If your orgasm was during oral sex, you should select this option. This option will not cause the HUD to determine pregnancy, but this option may be used by other third party Tantra compatible objects.
  • Anal. If your orgasm was during anal sex, you should select this option. This option will not cause the HUD to determine pregnancy, but this option may be used by other third party Tantra compatible objects.
  • Female Orgasm. If you are a female, then you should select this option. The HUD will ignore the orgasm and will not cause pregnancy. If your partner wants a female to impregnate her, ignore this button and use one of the other ones. It’s Second Life and anything is possible! We won’t tell.

Restrictions Menu

Once you have targeted a submissive using the main menu’s Target Sub… command, you can review and update their restrictions from this menu tab. The menu shows your restrictions, any restrictions that she has added to herself, and any restrictions other Master/Mistresses have added to her.

The restrictions are additive.  You can only force an “On” restriction, not an “Off” restriction.  Also, the restrictions use the most restrictive option.  This means, for example, if your partner, or another Master/Mistress, has selected to use Blind Cycles, then the she will use Blind Cycles, even if you have selected Blind Cycles Off for her.

If your partner is using an older version of the Tantra Total Woman HUD, you will only see the restriction options that are available in the version she is using.

RLV Lock This option prevents her from removing her Tantra Total Woman HUD.  This setting only works if she has RLV enabled

Blind Cycle This option turns off, “grays out”, the cycle bar on the Tantra Total Woman HUD.  She will only get a notification when her period begins and she has to keep track of where she is in her cycle mentally. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.

Realistic Paternity Tests This option forces her to only use realistic paternity tests. This means she can only take the paternity test with the potential father present and the test will only gives a yes/no answer. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.

Realistic Birth Control Pills This option forces her to only be able to take their birth control pills using the Tantra Pill Package rezzed in world and prevents her from taking her birth control pills via her HUD, or the Tantra Pill Package worn as a HUD. This restriction works regardless of RLV status.

Redirect Orgasm Type Menu This option automatically gives her partner the Orgasm Type menu each time it detects an orgasm and removes her control over it. This restriction works regardless of RLV status. Note that even with this option turned off, you will still receive the Orgasm Type menu for your orgasms.

Settings Menu

Currently the Tantra Gold Condom HUD only supports the English language. In future versions, more languages will be supported. If you are interested in helping with translations, please contact Tex Evans.

Currently the Tantra Gold Condom HUD has only one theme built in. In future versions, more themes will be added.

Change Language This setting is used to change the language used by the Tantra Gold Condom HUD for menus and emotes.

Change Theme This setting is used to change the graphical theme of the Tantra Gold Condom HUD.

Beacon Indicator

Starting with Tantra Total Woman HUD 6.0, there is now an optional beacon that can indicate if there is a Tantra user nearby. The beacon icon on your Tantra Gold Condom HUD will show how close the user is. The range shown is only for the closest Tantra user. There could be more that are not shown on the scanner. The range icons are shown below.

Closest Tantra user is less than 15 meters away.

Closest Tantra user is less than 250 meters away.

Closest Tantra user is less than 50 meters away.

No one nearby has been detected wearing a Tantra Total Woman HUD.

If the Tantra Total Woman HUD wearer has turned off the beacon, they will not be picked up by the scanner.


There are two Tantra groups for you to join. Tantra Support is for general support questions. I know some people do not like to receive frequent IM Spam, so you can also join Tantra Announcements. Tantra Announcements should not be used for support questions. This group is used by Tantra employees to announce upgrades and special programs to our customers.

If you have any questions, you can contact either Tex Evans, or one of the support staff listed in my profile, online or via email at tex_evans@yahoo.com.